Georgia Supreme Court Short List: Paige Reese Whitaker
Gov. Nathan Deal appointed Paige Reese Whitaker to the Fulton County Superior Court in the Atlanta Judicial Circuit only last year, which he will no doubt remember when they meet for another interview for the Georgia Supreme Court this month.
Whitaker is also likely to be known by the current members of the high court. Before becoming a judge, she handled appeals for Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard, often presenting oral arguments in the appellate courts.
Before joining the DA’s office in 2010, Whitaker was an assistant attorney general for eight years, working on habeas appeals and capital cases.
Richard Robbins of Robbins Litigation and Regulatory Law recommended her for the high court, calling her a “capable, fair and thoughtful judge.”
Her colleague, Judge Craig Schwall, recommended her as well.
“She transitioned seamlessly into her role as a trial court judge, and she has been a welcome and valuable addition to our bench, contributing from the start and acting as a catalyst for consensus,” Schwall said. “I am confident she would be an equally valuable addition to the Georgia Supreme Court.”