
Firm Serves as Advisor to State-of-the-Art School for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Written by Firm | Dec 1, 2014 | Updates | Print PDF

Last month, Alexa Ross began advising the Piedmont School of Atlanta, a private school devoted to providing state-of-the-art educational programming to high-functioning students on the autism spectrum, including students with Asperger syndrome.  Piedmont is an expansion of the autism program at the prestigious Marcus Autism Center.  The Director of the Marcus Autism Center program, Dr. Catherine Trapani, is the Head of School at Piedmont.  The nation’s most renowned experts in autism, genetics, psychiatry, and related fields  comprise the Piedmont Advisory Board, including experts from Emory University and the Emory  School of Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, the Marcus Autism Center, The University of Illinois – Chicago, Arizona State University, Florida State University, New York University – Langone Medical Center, the New York State Office of Mental Health , the Institute for Psychiatric Research, the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain – Weil Cornell Medical College/New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Teachers College – Columbia University, the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For more information, please contact Alexa Ross.